Going back to school in September after a long break is always rather daunting but this year was very different!! We were still in the midst of corona virus pandemic!! So it was going to be a very different return to school.

However, I worked over the Summer holidays trying to adapt my school to this new world we were facing. I decided to embrace the idea of an “outdoor school” using the outside environment to my advantage. As teaching through nature, using the Montessori Method, has been my way of teaching young children for many years, the idea of spending as much time as possible outside was really exciting. I consulted my daughter who, luckily for me, is an architect and she came up with a perfect design for an outdoor sheltered area extending from the school room. This area serves many functions. Children arrive wash their hands in the outdoor sink. Each child has a space under a long bench where they keep their box with slippers, wellies and overalls! After greeting me, they can then play here, in the garden or go inside to “work”. We have been able, even now in December, to have circle and sharing times in this area. Children can also bring their work out here if they wish. We have the bird feeders hanging outside and robin and wagtail come right in to the door. Robin, of coarse, is Santa’s messenger and is watching the children sending daily updates to the North Pole so all are on best behaviour.

This new area is a truly wonderful addition and has added a whole new dimension to the school life. We had a lovely Autumn this year. We picked damsons in early September and made jam! The children played in the orchard ,climbed apple trees, swung in the hammock, made huts and ran in the field! We had picnics, picked apples and pears, watched the leaves fall, found slugs, snails and caterpillars( Emily and Finns favourite animal)!

In October the children did their first project…Irish Animals, each choosing their favourite! Then each child presented their project to the class. Each project was wonderful and we all learned so much by listening to each other.

Novembers project was “Birds of Prey”! We have learned a huge amount about all types of owls, buzzards, eagles and hawks! The children take such pride in their project work which are displayed on the school walls and have also gained great confidence.

And so we are nearing the end of this first term in a very different time. It was a great term. We had fun. The children played and worked and made new friends. Autumn merged into Winter and being outside so much allowed the children to truly experience and see nature as it is.

Today we spent the afternoon outside. Finn wanted to check a pea he found in the raised bed in October. He had planted it in a pot in the greenhouse and had been delighted to see it germinate(out of season) ! Yes, it was healthy and doing well so Finn was very happy. We dug up sprouts and parsnips and broccoli and chatted about the goodness of vegetables! There is never a dull moment amongst these little children! Each day brings new challenges and surprises and in these strange times, I feel very blessed to be part of their world.


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